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WebActivator PreApplicationStartMethod not working

I'm making a new project following onin architecture.

enter image description here

I have a separate project called "bootstrapper" that contain IOC and WebActivator.. My problem is that class that contain WebActivator not even loaded in debug ! May be i'm missing something ?

[assembly: WebActivatorEx.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(IocConfig), "RegisterDependencies")]
 public class IocConfig
        public static void RegisterDependencies()


  • Your Onion.Bootstrapper project corresponds to the outermost layer of your Onion Architecture. It's the only projects that references all the others.

    Using WebActivator allows you to avoid having to reference Onion.Bootstrapper in WebApplication. The RegisterDependencies method will be called on pre-application start.

    To make this works, the only thing you need to do is to make sure the Onion.Bootstrapper dll is pushed to WebApplication /bin directory ( (easy to set up using a post build action or OutputTo nugget package)).