I am desperately trying to understand how to use the OneDrive SDK for Android. The sample apps only describe picking, saving or exploring. I have implemented the explorer available here: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-explorer-android
and in the end, I have this kind of code:
final IOneDriveService oneDriveService = oneDriveHelper.getOneDriveService();
final Callback<Item> itemCallback = getItemCallback(app);
oneDriveService.getItemId(mItemId, mQueryOptions, itemCallback);
I tried changing the mQueryOptions by doing this
mQueryOptions.put("q", "myKeyWord");
without success (it's just listing the root)
I tried replacing mItemId with:
without any more success.
Ok, I finally understood how it all worked.
So since the ApiExplorer is just a sample, we need to add more functionalities by hand into it.
In the Module called onedriveaccess, go to the package com.microsoft.onedriveaccess.model and add the following file ItemList.java
package com.microsoft.onedriveaccess.model;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import java.util.List;
public class ItemList {
public List<Item> itemList;
Then in com.microsoft.onedriveaccess.IOneDriveService.java, add the following piece of code:
@Headers("Accept: application/json")
void searchForItemId(@Path("item-id") final String itemId,
@QueryMap Map<String, String> options,
final Callback<ItemList> itemCallback);
now we can generate a search query as follows:
* The query option to have the OneDrive service expand out results of navigation properties
private static final String EXPAND_QUERY_OPTION_NAME = "expand";
* Expansion options to get all children, thumbnails of children, and thumbnails
private static final String EXPAND_OPTIONS_FOR_CHILDREN_AND_THUMBNAILS = "children(select=id, name)";
private final Map<String, String> mQueryOptions = new HashMap<>();
private Callback<ItemList> getItemsCallback(final Context context) {
return new OneDriveDefaultCallback<ItemList>(context) {
public void success(final ItemList items, final Response response) {
//mItem = items.itemList.get(0);
//Do what you want to do
for(Item item: items.itemList){
Log.v(TAG, "array:"+item.Id+"--- "+item.Name);
public void failure(final RetrofitError error) {
//Log.v(TAG, "Item Lookup Error: " + mItemId);
public void searchQuery(String query){
mQueryOptions.put("q", query);
final IOneDriveService oneDriveService = oneDriveHelper.getOneDriveService();
final Callback<ItemList> itemCallback = getItemsCallback(app);
oneDriveService.searchForItemId(mItemId, mQueryOptions, itemCallback);