I would like to find all the unique words that are in both files. I am able to list all the words from each file but it gives me duplicates. I also would like to sort them by alphabetical order. How do I go about doing this?
#First file
file = raw_input("Please enter the name of the first file: ")
store = open(file)
new = store.read()
#Second file
file2 = raw_input("Please enter the name of the second file: ")
store2 = open(file2)
new2 = store2.read()
for line in new.split():
if line in new2:
print line
Here is a snippet which might help you:
new = 'this is a bunch of words'
new2 = 'this is another bunch of words'
unique_words = set(new.split())
sorted_unique_words = sorted(list(unique_words))
If you're only interested in words that are common to both files, do this instead:
unique_words = set(new.split())
unique_words2 = set(new2.split())
common_words = set.intersection(unique_words, unique_words2)