I need this function to change the border color of a form when the mouse hovers over a button. I got the expected result, but the function affects all page forms. I would like to determine which button affects each form.
How can I specify the source ID and target ID in the function?
function chbg(color) {
document.getElementById('b').style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById('d').style.backgroundColor = color;
<div id="a" onmouseover="chbg('red')" onmouseout="chbg('white')">A - This should effect B only</div>
<div id="b">B - This is neutral</div>
<div id="c" onmouseover="chbg('blue')" onmouseout="chbg('white')"> C - This should effect D only</div>
<div id="d">D - This is neutral</div>
Solved! Thank you guys for the help.
Straightforward, by adding extra parameters to the function:
function chbg(color, source, target) {
document.getElementById(source).style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById(target).style.backgroundColor = color;
Example usage:
<div id="a" onmouseover="chbg('red', 'a', 'b')" onmouseout="chbg('white', 'a', 'b')">A - This should effect B only</div>
<div id="b">B - This is neutral</div>
<div id="c" onmouseover="chbg('blue', 'c', 'd')" onmouseout="chbg('white', 'c', 'd')"> C - This should effect D only</div>
<div id="d">D - This is neutral</div>