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DUP operator, missuse?

So Im beginning assembly and im trying to create a array of data

    .intel_syntax noprefix
    .section   .data 
HELPER_DATA: .byte 189 DUP (0)
x1:  .byte 0
x2:  .byte 1
x3:  .byte 2

    .section    .rodata
ftm1:   .string    "%d\n"
    .globl    main
    .type    main,    @function

on line 3 Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `D' everything else dosent give an error

its very hard for me to find a specific reference guide/manual to look things up with. Ive seen x86, x64, x86-64, masm, nasm, tasm, yasm, then a bunch of stuff for assembly inside C language variations and tbh im overwhelmed.

So to try and give some sort of idea of which im using. gcc -m64 -masm=intel -o executable file.s
is what im typing into the terminal

inside the file its .intel_syntax noprefix and I dont see much else that would help any


  • Change like this

    .section MyData
    HELPER_DATA: db 189 DUP (0)