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Adobe Creative SDK iOS: Framework CreativeSDKImage requires framework CreativeSDKFoundation but framework CreativeSDKFoundation is not present

Every-time I tried to run my code is crashes as any-point that I try to initiate the function to call any part of the SDK.

I have included the FoundationSDK in my build process: enter image description here

And I have included the reference to SDK in the header file:

enter image description here

But anytime I run this, I get this error:

Uncaught exception: Framework CreativeSDKImage requires framework CreativeSDKFoundation but framework CreativeSDKFoundation is not present

Any ideas?


  • I just found the solution, the documentation is not very clear.

    You have to add the framework .bundles too.

    • Locate your CreativeSDKFoundation in Finder
    • Go to AdobeCreativeSDKFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
    • you'll find AdobeCreativeSDKFoundationResources.bundle
    • Drag this bundle to your project bundle, in Xcode.

    You might do the same for each Creative framework.