So I have a .ppm file and the goal is to read each pixel to corresponding r[] g[] and b[] elements. The code reads the first line (idk correct or not), but it does not go any further. I'm unsure if I need these getc(fp);
in order to skip spaces. Reading each line and parsing it to int is not an option. Thanks for any help.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int height;
int width;
int max;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("vit_small.ppm", "r");
fscanf(fp, "%*[^\n]\n", NULL);
fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &width, &height);
printf("Width is %d height is %d \n", width, height);
fscanf(fp, "%d", &max);
printf("Maximum value %d \n", max);
int r [height][width];
int g [height][width];
int b [height][width];
int hist [5];
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
char buffer [1000];
for (;w<height;w++)
printf("Row number %d \n", w);
for (;h<width;h++)
fread(&r[w][h], 1, 1, fp);
printf("%d ", r[w][h]);
fread(&g[w][h], 1, 1, fp);
printf("%d ", g[w][h]);
fread(&b[w][h], 1, 1, fp);
printf("%d ", b[w][h]);
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for (;i<height; i++)
for (;j<width; j++)
printf("%d %d %d ", r[i][j], g[i][j], b[i][j]);
FILE * res;
res = fopen ("Image_output.ppm", "w");
fprintf (res, "P6\n");
fprintf(res, "%d\n", width);
fprintf(res, "%d\n", height);
fprintf(res, "%d\n", max);
i = 0;
j = 0;
for(; i < height; i++)
for(; j < width; j++)
fprintf(res, "%d %d %d", r[i][j], g[i][j], b[i][j]);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
The P6 format of PPM stores each primary as a byte and there are no rows and no spaces. So if an image is 10 by 6, it will have 180 bytes (10x6x3) following the 255 and newline character. See Wikipedia entry on PPM.