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Display tree map in gui java

Firstly I am completely new to Java so please can you explain things as simple as possible!

So I have a treemap, the keys are dates which point to strings.

I want to display this on screen but am not sure how to do so.

I did come across JTable. After reasearching this I was confused as my columns were a string array (simply the titles of the two columns) whilst my data was a tree map. After looking further online I found I should create a table model but after reading through this I didn't really understand what I needed to do. Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


  • The way you want to display your content varies depending on your requirement or on how the information could be displayed in an user-friendly way.

    JTable is a good approach, JTree also is a good approach, although, I see JTable as a more standard way to do it.

    I came with an approach I implemented really fast trying to simplify all the complex stuff and to fulfill what I understood from your question:

    public class TableExample {
    //Asuming you have a treemap like this
    static Map<Date, String> sampleMap = new TreeMap<Date, String>();
    //Initialize the sample treemap with some values (this static block will execute the first time we run this app)
    static {
        sampleMap.put(createBirthdayFromString("14/02/1990"), "Marcelo's Birthday");
        sampleMap.put(createBirthdayFromString("29/06/1989"), "Oscar's Birthday");
        sampleMap.put(createBirthdayFromString("21/04/1985"), "Carlos' Birthday");
    //This will create a date object based on a given String
    public static Date createBirthdayFromString(String dateAsString) {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
        Date convertedDate = null;
        try {
            convertedDate = formatter.parse(dateAsString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            // Print stacktrace and default to current Date
            convertedDate = new Date();
        return convertedDate;
    public void init() {
        //Create the JFrame to display the table
        JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame();
        mainFrame.setTitle("My Table Example");
        mainFrame.setSize(520, 520);
        //Then a panel to keep our Main frame available to display other contents
        JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
        //Add the panel to the frame
        //You will need to specify the columns you want to display in your table, for this case:
        String[] columns = new String[] {"Birthday", "Name"};
        //Then you can create a table model with zero rows at the beginning
        //The table model will define how the data in your table would be displayed
        //As well as provide some useful methods if you want to add certain events or edition capabilities :)
        DefaultTableModel defaultModel = new DefaultTableModel(columns, 0);
        //Then you create your table based on your model
        JTable myTable = new JTable(defaultModel);
        //Then you will like to fill each table row with the data of your treemap
        //We iterate over your map to obtain the records
        for (Map.Entry<Date, String> entry : sampleMap.entrySet()) {
            defaultModel.addRow(new Object[] {entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()});
        //Now add the table to your frame
        myPanel.add(new JScrollPane(myTable));
        //Set the frame visible
     * Main method that will execute this example
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TableExample().init();

    Please let me know if this helps you or you have any doubt. Happy coding! :)