Postgres escapes quotes incorrectly when creating a JSON export. Note the double quotes in the below update...
UPDATE models SET column='"hello"' WHERE id=1;
COPY (SELECT row_to_json(models)
FROM (SELECT column FROM shaders WHERE id=1) shaders)
TO '/output.json';
The contents of output.json:
You can see that the quotes are escaped improperly and it creates invalid JSON. It should be:
How can I fix this Postgres bug or work around it?
This is not JSON related. It's about the way text format (default) in COPY
command handles backslashes. From the PostgreSQL documentation - COPY:
Backslash characters (
) can be used in the COPY data to quote data characters that might otherwise be taken as row or column delimiters. In particular, the following characters must be preceded by a backslash if they appear as part of a column value: backslash itself, newline, carriage return, and the current delimiter character.
(Emphasis mine.)
You can solve it by using CSV-format and changing the quote character from doublequote to something else.
To demonstrate:
SELECT row_to_json(row('"hello"'))
| "{"f1":"\"hello\""}" |
COPY (SELECT row_to_json(row('"hello"'))) TO '/output.json';
| {"f1":"\\"hello\\""} |
COPY (SELECT row_to_json(row('"hello"'))) TO '/output.json' CSV QUOTE '$';
| {"f1":"\"hello\""} |