This program is for finding out the difference between the Compound Interest and Simple Interest.
This code should terminate when I enter time as 0(Zero) and the code should run at least once. and when I compile the code, the compiler says:
Class compiled - no syntax errors
but when I run the code,the second condition "run atleast once" is fulfilled and every thing works fine but after accepting the values, It does not stop if time is entered as 0(zero) (which according to the title it should) and it gives me the wrong answer.
Example :
for the above values, the output should be 30.0
but when I run the program It gievs me the output as -600.0
(a negetive and a wrong Difference).
class p6
InputStreamReader i1 =new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(i1);
// calculating the CI and SI
public void calc()throws IOException
{ int p,t,r,si;double a, ci;char k;
// getting principle
System.out.println("Enter Principle in decimal:");
p = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
// getting Rate
System.out.println("Enter Rate in decimal :");
t = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
// getting Time
System.out.println("Enter Time :");
r = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
//calculating SI
si = (p*t*r)/100;
// calculating amount
a = (double)p*(Math.pow((1+r/100),t));
// calculating CI
ci = a - p;
// printing Difference
System.out.println("Difference between CI and SI = "+(ci-si));
}while(t!=0);//end of DOWhile
}// end of calc
}//end of p6
I'm using BlueJ to write and run my code.
I'm a beginner and just started learning java a year ago.
Please help me resolve this issue as early as possible.
Any help appreciated,
Try out this:
class p6
InputStreamReader i1 =new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(i1);
// calculating the CI and SI
public void calc()throws IOException
{ double p,t,r, a, si, ci;char k;//Changed all to double.
// getting principle
System.out.println("Enter Principle in decimal:");
p = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());// changed to Double.parseDouble to store double value.
// getting Rate
System.out.println("Enter Rate in decimal :");
r = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());// changed to Double.parseDouble to store double value.
// getting Time
System.out.println("Enter Time :");
t = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());// changed to Double.parseDouble to store double value.
//calculating SI
si = (p*t*r)/100;
// calculating amount
a = (double)p*(Math.pow((1+r/100),t));
// calculating CI
ci = a - p;
// printing Difference
System.out.println("Difference between CI and SI = "+(ci-si));
}while(t!=0);//end of DOWhile
}// end of calc
}//end of p6