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x86 64 AT&T , moving part of register into another register

I'd like to move one byte from register rdx to register rbx, like this:

mov %rdx , (%rbx,%r15,1)

where rdx contains 0x33 ,r15 is index and rbx contains 0 at start.

I have tried using this method in many ways , always ending with SIGSEGV error. In the end I am going to create a rbx register which will contain an array of next rdx values


  • You can shift the bytes in one at a time, like this:

    ; Calculate first dl
    mov  %dl,%bl
    ; Calculate next dl
    shlq $8,%rbx
    mov  %dl,%bl
    ; Calculate next dl
    shlq $8,%rbx
    mov  %dl,%bl

    etc. This assumes that you want the first byte in the msb, and the last byte in the lsb. The revesre order is a bit more complicated, but not much.