It compares the variable comp when it still empty. It should take the speech recognizer value before. How can I fix that? How can I let it wait until the speech recognizer finish its job?
.controller('LearnCtrl', function($scope , $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, Slides ) {
$scope.slides = Slides.all();
$scope.hear = function() {
$scope.spell = function() {
var maxMatches = 1;
var promptString = "Speak now";
var language ='fr-FR'
var comp ="";
window.plugins.speechrecognizer.startRecognize(function(result) {
comp=result ;
}, function(error) {
alert("connexion lost"+error);
}, maxMatches, promptString, language);
if (comp==$scope.slides[$ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex()].name){
alert('good job')
} else {
alert('try again');
It's quite possibly async, so try putting the comparison inside the function you pass into startRecognize.
window.plugins.speechrecognizer.startRecognize(function(result) {
if (comp==$scope.slides[$ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex()].name){
alert('good job')
} else {
alert('try again');
}, function(error) {
alert("connexion lost"+error);
}, maxMatches, promptString, language);