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MATLAB:Selection-values instead of postions

I have a cell array whose elements show the positions of values in a selection in the workspace. Now I want to keep the same cell array, but replace the positions by the the values.

My cell:

res{1}=[55 56 57 58]
res{2}=[80 81]
res{3}=[111 112 113 114 115 116 117]

My Selection "Channel":

55: 0.1 56: 0.2 57: 0.3 58: 0.4

What I want:

res{1}=[0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4]

I tried res={channel} . But when I do this I only get one long vector.


  • res{1} is the list of indices you want into channel, right? So just take those and put them back into the original cell array. Since you have multiples, might as well wrap it in a loop:

    for n = 1:numel(res)
         res{n} = channel(res{n})

    e.g. for res{1} = [55 56 57 58] this is equivalent to res{1} = channel([55 56 57 58])