I would like to put a variable into composite format in String.Format. Meaning
String str = String.Format("{0:[what should I put here]}", mydate, myFormat};
so that the result will depend on myFormat.
myFormat = "yyyy" => str = "2015"
myFormat = "hh:mm:ss" => str = "08:20:20"
I did not suceed with
String.Format("{0:{1}}", mydate, myFormat}
String.Format("{0:{{1}}}", mydate, myFormat}
String.Format("{0:\{1\}}", mydate, myFormat}
Thanks everyone.
Your format string should be like:
string str = "{{0:{0}}}";
Then you can format like this:
string format = string.Format(str, "yyyy");
format = string.Format(format, DateTime.Now); // this will give 2015