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ng-else directive in angularjs

how can we create ngELSE directive as same as ngIF directive?

below code for ngIfDirective. Shall we customize the code for ngELSE?

var ngIfDirective = ['$animate', function($animate) {
  return {
    multiElement: true,
    transclude: 'element',
    priority: 600,
    terminal: true,
    restrict: 'A',
    $$tlb: true,
    link: function($scope, $element, $attr, ctrl, $transclude) {
        var block, childScope, previousElements;
        $scope.$watch($attr.ngIf, function ngIfWatchAction(value) {

          if (value) {
            if (!childScope) {
              $transclude(function(clone, newScope) {
                childScope = newScope;
                clone[clone.length++] = document.createComment(' end ngIf: ' + $attr.ngIf + ' ');
                // Note: We only need the first/last node of the cloned nodes.
                // However, we need to keep the reference to the jqlite wrapper as it might be changed later
                // by a directive with templateUrl when its template arrives.
                block = {
                  clone: clone
                $animate.enter(clone, $element.parent(), $element);
          } else {
            if (previousElements) {
              previousElements = null;
            if (childScope) {
              childScope = null;
            if (block) {
              previousElements = getBlockNodes(block.clone);
              $animate.leave(previousElements).then(function() {
                previousElements = null;
              block = null;


  • Normally we use like this

    normal if-else

    if(video == video.large){
        <!-- code to render a large video block-->
        <!-- code to render the regular video block -->

    AngularJS ng-if

    <div ng-if="video == video.large">
        <!-- code to render a large video block-->
    <div ng-if="video != video.large">
        <!-- code to render the regular video block -->

    But if you are too specific that you want a directive like ng-if, ng-else-if, and ng-else then use ng-elif

    Working Demo

     <div ng-if="someCondition">
        Some random junk in the middle.
      <div ng-else-if="someOther && condition">
      <div ng-else-if="moreConditions">
      <div ng-else>