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How to fix this ng-class toggle comparison?

I have an array which stores the name of each button that is clicked. Once clicked the object is placed into array, I use ng-class to check if the name of the object in the array is the same as the model used to create the button. Then if so toggle the btn-info class on or off.

ng-class="{'btn-info': toggleArray[k].name ==}"

Not sure what is wrong with my code but, but it works if you click the buttons in an exact order, from 1 to 3. However once you start randomly clicking buttons it breaks quickly.

plnkr example

The Controller

.controller('ArrayCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {

        // Init ArrayCtrl scope:
        // ---------------------
        var vs         = $scope;
        vs.message     = "Add and remove objects from array:";
        vs.toggleArray = [];
        vs.apiArray    = [{name: 'AAA'}, {name: 'BBB'}, {name: 'CCC'}];

        vs.selectBtn = function(btnObj) {
            var index = vs.toggleArray.indexOf(btnObj);
            if (index !== -1) {
                vs.toggleArray.splice(index, 1);
            else {


The Markup

<div class="model-btns">
      <li ng-repeat="(k, m) in apiArray"
              <button class="btn"
                      ng-class="{'btn-info': toggleArray[k].name ==}">

  <div class="well list-delete">
      <p>List to delete:</p>
          <li ng-repeat="item in toggleArray">


  • The problem is right here: ng-class="{'btn-info': toggleArray[k].name ==}"

    Let's say that all the buttons are "off", so the toggleArray is []. You click the second button, so toggleArray will be [ { "name": "BBB" } ]. But in the ng-class expression for that button, k will be 1. So toggleArray[1] is undefined and the expression is never true, unless you click first the first item so toggleArray has 2 elements.

    You can simply change:

    ng-class="{'btn-info': toggleArray[k].name ==}"


    ng-class="{'btn-info': toggleArray.indexOf(m) > -1}"

    As illustrated in this plnkr.