I am having a requirement where we show the user who is idle for 30 minutes to get a warning. I have the Javascript code ready wherein the user will get the pop-up asking him for 5 minutes ( counter is present) if he wants to extend the session or not. If he chooses Yes, then we need to extend the session by another 30 minutes( or the given time interval in the session) and so on. This process continues and the user can carry on with their work until he closes the window.
Can you tell me how I can , via my Java code, extend the session like this? I am interested in the server side code which I need to write. An example of the above scenario would be great to have.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Environment:- Websphere Portal 8.x , JDK 1.7
Any request that you will make from that browser to the Java code from your application e.g. portlet, servlet, that will access session will automatically extend it.