In the mode-line appears the name of the buffer I am working with (argf.rb):
For a buffer visiting a file, is it possible to display the absolute file name (i.e., include the path)?
First, what you see is buffer name, not file name. Try to open two files with the same names (in different directories) and see what I mean.
Second, yes, I am sure it is possible - just customize mode-line-format
Third, it might not be such a great idea - the mode line is already quite crowded and the long path will just not fit. I know it sounds great now, but you will hate it the next day.
Instead, put the path into the title bar:
(setq frame-title-format
'(buffer-file-name "%b - %f" ; File buffer
(dired-directory dired-directory ; Dired buffer
(revert-buffer-function "%b" ; Buffer Menu
("%b - Dir: " default-directory))))) ; Plain buffer