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How to call a objective c code from javascript in cocoa

Right now my javascript looks like this :

 testStackData.addOrUpdateHeader("username", "vikas test", 1);
 testStackData.addOrUpdateHeader("testHeader",[0].name, 1);
 testStackData.addOrUpdateVariable("carNameTest", "variable updated from pre script", 1);
 testStackData.stepError.haveError = false;
 return testStackData

Now I need to create an Objective-C function addOrUpdateHeader or addOrUpdateVariable as mentioned in javascript.

But I am confused as how to call these functions.


  • I finally got my javascript code running my application with the help of Javascript core framework.

    I created json string with my javascript functions embedded in the string itself. As javascript is lose in its definitions, it allowed the calling and execution of the functions effectively.

    Moving on to the code, I created separate function for addOrUpdateHeader addOrUpdateVariable

    The functions read as follows :

    "addOrUpdateHeader" : 
       function(headerName, headerValue, trackHistory){
            if(this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultHeaders.length>0) {
            var index ;
            var isHeaderNameExists = false;
            for(var h =0; h<this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultHeaders.length;h++) {
            if(this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultHeaders[h].headerName === headerName) {
            isHeaderNameExists = true;
            } }
            if(isHeaderNameExists) {
           this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultHeaders[index].headerValue = headerValue;
            else {
            headerName : headerName,
            headerValue : headerValue,
            projectServerDefaultHeaderId : '',
            trackHistory : trackHistory
            } } },
            "addOrUpdateVariable" : function(variableName, variableValue){
            if(this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultVariables.length>0) {
            var index ;
            var isVariableNameExists = false;
            for(var v =0; v<this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultVariables.length;v++) {
            if(this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultVariables[v].variableName === variableName) {
            isVariableNameExists = true;
            } }
            if(isVariableNameExists) {
     this.projectServers.projectServerDefaultVariables[index].variableValue = variableValue;
            else {
            variableName : variableName,
            variableValue : variableValue,
            projectServerDefaultVariableId : ''

    and then used javascript core framework's JSContext to do the required functionality with the help of following code

    JSContext *context = [[JSContext alloc] init];
        context.exceptionHandler = ^(JSContext *context, JSValue *exception) {
            NSLog(@"[%@:%@:%@] %@\n%@", exception[@"sourceURL"], exception[@"line"], exception[@"column"], exception, [exception[@"stack"] toObject]);
        [context evaluateScript:testStackData];
        NSString * jsCode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"var prescript = function (testStackData) {%@}",script];
        [context evaluateScript:jsCode];
        JSValue * ret = [context evaluateScript:@"prescript(testStackData);"];

    here testStackData is my json string