In Emacs, is there a way to capture the stdout of dired-do-shell-command, say to the kill-ring?
Without knowing how, I end up going to the Messages buffer and getting the stdout manually from there.
Help for that command says that output goes to a buffer named *Shell Command Output*
, assuming command has not &
. If this is the case, this piece of code will do what you want:
(defun do-shell-and-copy-to-kill-ring (command &optional arg file-list)
(let ((files (dired-get-marked-files t current-prefix-arg)))
(dired-read-shell-command "! on %s: " current-prefix-arg files)
(dired-do-shell-command command arg file-list)
(with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
(copy-region-as-kill (point-min) (point-max))))
For async commands, you need to wait for them and look in *Async Shell Command*