I have some trouble to read mp3 file in matlab. There is the function audioread that is supposed to do the job, but it doesn't work.
>> [x Fs] = audioread('Corner.mp3');
*** audioread: problem reading Corner.mp3:Too many input arguments.
*** audioread: returning empty waveform
The function DOES work for WAV files without problem. I really don't know where do problem comes from, i searched here and using google, without success.
Have you, guys, any idea ?
EDIT : Here is the mp3 file : http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/zZQpECRF/file.html
EDIT 2 : I am using Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a) on a Windows 8 laptop.
EDIT 3 : It seems that my Matlab version is too old. Now I'm using the R2014a version and it works perfecly !
Your answer is not reproducible in Matlab 2015a. As hiandbaii your Matlab version is too old. Use your MP3 file and update to a newer version of Matlab and it will work.
>> [x Fs] = audioread('Corner.mp3');
>> Fs
Fs =
>> size(x)
ans =
12899250 2