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A shortcut for some usually used commands with variables

I use these commands on a daily basis:

mkdir ______ && rar a -m0 -v200M ______/______.rar "XXXXXXXX" && rm -rf "XXXXXXXX" &&
par2 c -r10 -l ______/______.par2 ______/* && ~/newsmangler/ -c
~/.newsmangler.conf ______ && rm -rf ______

Where "XXXXXXXX" and "______" are two variables.
Is there a way to use a shortcut to make this easier since the only things that change are "XXXXXXXX" and "______"? I'm looking for something similar to:

mycommands _____ XXXXX

Couple things you may want to know:
- I use GNOME terminal.
- I don't have a root access.


  • Just write a function that accepts two arguments:

    function just_do_it (){
      ( [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ) && echo "No arguments given" && return 1
      echo "do stuff with $1 and $2"
      # notice to use double quotes, when processing the varibales
      ls -l "$1"

    The first line check if the two arguments are given. The argument can be accessed by $1 (first one) and $2 (second).

    Edit: the function in your case would then for example look like this (a bit more readable formatted):

    function just_do_it (){
      ( [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ) && echo "No arguments given" && return 1
      mkdir "$1" && \
      rar a -m0 -v200M "$1/$1.rar" "$2" && \
      rm -rf "$2" && \
      par2 c -r10 -l "$1/$1.par2" "$1/*" && \
      ~/newsmangler/ -c ~/.newsmangler.conf "$1" && \
      rm -rf "$1"