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How to represent graphs with IPython

Recently I discovered IPython notebook which is a powerful tool. As an IT student, I was looking for a way to represent graphs in Python. For example, I would like to know if there's a library (like numpy or matplotlib ?) which can draw from this

{ "1" : ["3", "2"],
  "2" : ["4"],
  "3" : ["6"],
  "4" : ["6"],
  "5" : ["7", "8"],
  "6" : [],
  "7" : [],
  "8" : []

something like this :

(source :

Is there something like this ?


  • You can use networkx and, if you need to render the graph in ipython notebook, nxpd

    import networkx as nx
    from nxpd import draw
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.graph['dpi'] = 120
    draw(G, show='ipynb')

    enter image description here