Search code examples

UI-Grid does not take 100% width on page load

I am using ui-grid to showing data in table. when i load the page and leave for few second and then click on the tab (which containing ui-grid), the ui-grid css break. it does not show width of ui-grid 100% of container.but when i load page and just click on tab (containg ui-grid). ui-grid is showing perfect, i mean width of that is 100% of container. I don't know what is the problem.this is the code, i am working on :


$scope.gridOptions= {
            enableFiltering: true,
            enableGridMenu : true,
            enableRowSelection: true,
            enableSelectAll: true,

            selectionRowHeaderWidth: 50,
            // rowHeight: 35,
            // infiniteScrollRowsFromEnd: 50,
            // infiniteScrollUp: true,
            infiniteScrollDown: true,
            columnDefs : [
              { displayName:"Attribute",field: 'attributeId',filter: {placeholder: 'Search Attribute'},width:'10%'},
              { displayName:"Section",field: 'sectionRef.attributeSectionId' ,filter: {placeholder: 'Search Section'}},
              { displayName:"Type",field: 'types',filter: { placeholder: 'Search Types'} }


<div class="grid m-b-20" ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-move-columns ui-grid-edit ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-pinning ui-grid-selection ui-grid-grouping ui-grid-infinite-scroll>

Note: ui-grid is inside Angular bootstrap Tab

and here is the snapshot of collapse grid :

enter image description here


  • Are you using an animation on page load - perhaps a tab or a modal? If so, then the usual workaround is the one we use in the modal tutorial:

    The problem is that the grid isn't responsive, it gets it's size on render. If you haven't given a fixed size it gets it from the container size. If your container is being animated at the time, the size may not be the real size.