I am trying to use a for loop to run through an array of coordinates and add a marker on the map at each set. This is what I have. This is running in app inventor so debugging is limited.
function addFavorites() {
var element = window.AppInventor.getWebViewString();
if (element.indexOf("initFavCoords") > -1)
var redMarkers = [];
var str = element.slice(14);
redMarkers = str.split(',');
popUp(redMarkers + "testing"); //coordinates are store correctly at this point
for(var i = 0; i < redMarkers.length; i++)
var lattitude = redMarkers[i].slice(0, (element.indexOf(";")));
var longitude = redMarkers[i].slice(element.indexOf(";")+1);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: (new google.maps.LatLng(lattitude, longitude)),
map: map,
icon: "./redMarker.png"
popUp() does not affect this function
./redMarker.png is working
I also have the map initialized in a different function that is called before this one is. When this is run, the map displays but there are no markers. I am new to Google API, so it may be a simple mistake.
NOTE: coordinates are stored in this way [x1;y1,x2;y2]
var lattitude = redMarkers[i].slice(0, (element.indexOf(";")));
var longitude = redMarkers[i].slice(element.indexOf(";")+1);
These two lines need element changed to redMarkers[i], so they look like:
var lattitude = redMarkers[i].slice(0, (redMarkers[i].indexOf(";")));
var longitude = redMarkers[i].slice(redMarkers[i].indexOf(";")+1);