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abstract factory pattern with inherit classes

I want to implement the abstract factory pattern. I have three classes

  1. A superclass (SC)
  2. A child class (childA, shall inherit from sc)
  3. A child class (childB, shall also inherit from sc)

What I've done so far is implementing the abstract factory design pattern for the superclass. I have not handeled the inheritence yet. I do not know how to implement the pattern with the two subclasses. What do I need to add?


public abstract class AbstractFactory {

    public abstract SC createNewSC();



public class SCConcreteFactory extends AbstractFactory {

    public SC createNewSC() {
        return new SC();


public abstract class AbstractSC{
    public abstract void doStuff();


public class SC extends AbstractSC{

    public void doStuff() {
        System.out.println("Hello World");



  • one very detailed way to create abstract factories with inheritance is explained in this post:

    If your SC superclass is also abstract, you could easily take this:

    public abstract class AbstractFactory {
        public abstract SC sc();
    public class ChildAFactory extends AbstractFactory {
        public SC sc(){ return new ChildA();}
    public class ChildBFactory extends AbstractFactory {
        public SC sc(){ return new ChildB();}

    And like written in the above mentioned article:

    class FactoryMaker{
      private static AbstractFactory pf=null;
      static AbstractFactory getFactory(String choice){
            pf=new ChildAFactory();
        }else if(choice.equals("b")){
            pf=new ChildBFactory();
        } return pf;
    // Client
    public class Client{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        AbstractFactory pf= FactoryMaker.getFactory("a");
        SC sc =; // ChildA is initialized

    There are several ways to use the abstract factory - it depends on your requirements. This is a very simple approach and might change with your requirements. E.g., the solution above only tries to hide the concrete implementation. The client only knows SC.

    HTH, Sabine