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Sensitivity list error

I want to compute sum of elements of an array. Elements of the array are assigned on each clock rising edge (sequentially). I don't want to get the sum of elements on the next clock rising edge, So the design of sum must be combinational. I can get the correct result in simulation without any errors, but my code is not synthesized in ISE (Xilinx Synthesis tool). I'm working on Spartan3.

My code :

always @* begin
    sum = 0;
    for (i=0; i<K; i=i+1)
        sum = sum + shiftReg[i];    


Xst:902 - Unexpected shiftReg event in always block sensitivity list.

I searched for solutions. One way is to add all of the elements of shiftReg in sensitivity list, but in my project the number of elements is K (K is a parameter).


  • I'm afraid it's a limitation of the XST synthesizer. The very same solution you provide states that this issue has been solved for Virtex 6 and Spartan 6 devices, so it must be some kind of limitation regarding resources in the Spartan 3, or, more probably, a bit of lazyness from Xilinx engineers.

    I've tested this example module:

    module addall (
      input wire clk,
      input wire [3:0] addr,
      input wire load,
      input wire [7:0] din,
      output reg [7:0] tot
      reg [7:0] sr[0:15];
      always @(posedge clk) begin
        if (load)
          sr[addr] <= din;
      integer i;
      always @* begin
        tot = 8'h00;
        for (i=0;i<=15;i=i+1)
            tot = tot + sr[i];

    It synthesizes well on Icarus Verilog + YOSIS 0.3.0

    It synthesizes well in XST 12.4 using a Spartan 6 device

    It gives me the same error as you with the same XST version, if I change to Spartan 3E.

    Possible workaround: use Icarus Verilog with target vhdl to convert the offending module into VHDL and add it to your design instead of the original Verilog module.