I am learning java but stuck with this issue, I am writing a simple code but this error is throwing up again Can some one help me with what wrong i am doing?
public String alarmClock(int day, boolean vacation) {
if (day >= 1 && day <= 5) {
if (vacation = true) {
return "10:00";
else (vacation = false) {return "7:00";}
else {
if (vacation = true) {
return "off";
else (vacation = false) {return "10:00";}
the error which it is giving is-
Error: else (vacation = false) {return "7:00";}
Syntax error, insert "AssignmentOperator ArrayInitializer" to complete ArrayInitializerAssignement
What the output i want is this -
alarmClock(1, false) → "7:00"
alarmClock(5, false) → "7:00"
alarmClock(0, false) → "10:00"
I know this may be simple but i am just new to java so i want to learn this.
Thanks in advance !
In a condition use == (comparison), not = (assignment) :
if (vacation = true)
if (vacation == true)
or even better
if (vacation)
Beside that, else (vacation = false)
is invalid syntax, and you don't need it anyway. Just write else
if (day >= 1 && day <= 5) {
if (vacation) {
return "10:00";
} else {
return "7:00";
} else {
if (vacation) {
return "off";
} else {
return "10:00";