I tried looking this up but didn't find anything that answered my question.
So what I've got is something that looks like this:
private List<List<String>> data = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
This has a getter / setter and is being populated by this line:
String[] name = new String[columnCount];
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) {
name[i] = rsmd.getColumnName(i+1);
Array tempArray = rs.getArray(name[i]);
data.add((List<String>) tempArray);
In my jsp I know I need something like this:
<s:iterator value="data">
I'm stuck though on how to iterate a 2D array and if it matters that it's an ArrayList
is a SQL type, you need to get a Java array to use with the iteratator tag.
data.add((List<String>) Arrays.asList(tempArray.getArray()));
On JSP you should use two nested iterator tags.
<s:iterator var="row" value="data">
<s:iterator value="#row">