I am brand new to Akka (I'm using the Java lib v2.3.9), and am wondering what the tradeoff(s) is between two competing actor implementation strategies. On one hand I could implement my actors the standard way:
// Groovy pseudo-code
class StormTrooper extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof ExecuteOrder66) {
// Betray all Jedi, serve the Emperor!
class DarthVader extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof Feels) {
// Betray the Emperor, save your son!
class Emperor extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof Mace) {
// Transform into your true self!
...instead of doing that, I could add a layer of abstraction via injection:
class StarWarsCharacter extends UntypedActor {
@Inject // Injected behavior; implementation doesn't matter
BehaviorHandler behaviorHadler
void onReceive(Object message) {
interface BehaviorHandler {
void handle(Object message)
class StormTrooperBehaviorHandler implements BehaviorHandler {
void handle(Object message) {
// Betray all Jedi, serve the Emperor!
class DarthVaderBehaviorHandler implements BehaviorHandler {
void handle(Object message) {
// Betray the Emperor, save your son!
class EmperorBehaviorHandler implements BehaviorHandler {
void handle(Object message) {
// Transform into your true self!!
Are there performance/classloading benefits to only having one type of actor and injecting it with different BehavioHandler
implementations? Is there a reason why I would not want to do this and use the "standard" actor implementation?
If you just want to use your Actor as a way of dispatching messages to handlers, then the 2nd (non standard) way will be fine, and could give you some benefits in terms of code structure - e.g. the fact that BehaviorHandler
is a single method interface would allow you to implement it with a lambda.
However, Actors are not simply method dispatchers. They provide a variety of methods that you will need as your system grows in complexity.
See http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0/java/untyped-actors.html#untypedactor-api
A typical, moderate sized Akka system will need references to self
, sender
and context
which are defined on UntypedActor
In short: if you don't use inheritance then you are giving up more than you realise.