This is my first post on the forum, hope all of you guys are well.
I've got a issue using JiST/SWANS, the ad hoc simulator in java within eclipse.
I managed to load the API, (as an external JAR ofcourse) but Im basically having a problem integrating the runtime of JiST within eclipse. After running the hello world im usually getting a stackoverflowerror exception, since it may need modifications within the runtime.
import jist.runtime.JistAPI;
public class hello implements JistAPI.Entity {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("simulation start");
hello t = new hello();
public void myEvent()
System.out.println("hello world, t=" + JistAPI.getTime());
the website is:
Thank you in advance!
Actually you need to run within jist.runtime. But before rigth click, properties, Run/Debug settings, New,Arguments and type your class name (plain name no .java needed) in Progam arguments. This will tell the jist interface to translate your code using the rewriter and run it.
To run type "hello"
To run type: "jist.swans.Main driver.aodvsim"
If there are arguments needed type them after the clas name like: "jist.swans.Main driver.aodvsim -n 25 -f 2000x2000 -a grid:5x5 -t 10,600,60"
Wilmer Arellano