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What happens if a new Entry is written to the Event Log while the application is inside the handler for a previous entry being written?

My application needs to review all new application Event Log entries as they come in.

private void eventLog_Application_EntryWritten(object sender, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
    // Process e.Entry    

What I would like to know is what happens if another Entry is written to the EventLog while a previous Entry is being handled?

The documentation for EventLog.EntryWritten Event provides an example of handling an entry written event which uses threading (which is why I am asking the question).

In this example they use System.Threading and call the WaitOne() and Set() methods on the AutoResetEvent class, however I'm not sure precisely what this code is intended to achieve.

The documentation states that - WaitOne() "blocks the current thread until the current WaitHandle receives a signal", and that Set() "sets the state of the event to signaled, allowing one or more waiting threads to proceed". I'm not sure what the threading portion of this example is intended to demonstrate, and how this relates to how (or if) it needs to be applied in practice.

It appears that WaitOne() blocks the thread immediately after the entry has been written, until it has been handled, where it is then set to signalled (using Set()), before allowing the thread to proceed. Is this the one and only thread for the application?

Most importantly, when my application is not responsible for writing the the events which need to be read from the EventLog, how should this principle be applied? (If, indeed, it needs to be applied.)

What does happen if a new Entry is written while the application is inside the handler?


  • Nothing dramatic happens, it is serialized by the framework. The underlying winapi function that triggers the EventWritten event is NotifyChangeEventLog(). The .NET Framework uses the threadpool to watch for the event to get signaled with ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(). You can see it being used here.

    Which is your cue to why the MSDN sample uses ARE (AutoResetEvent). The event handler runs on that threadpool thread, exactly when that happens is unpredictable. The sample uses a console mode app, without that ARE it would immediately terminate. With the ARE, it displays one notification and quits. Not actually that useful of course, I would personally just have used Console.ReadLine() in the sample so it just keeps running and continues to display info until you press the Enter key.

    You don't need this if you use a service or a GUI app, something that's going to run for a long time until the user explicitly closes it. Note the EventLog.SynchronizingObject property, makes it easy to not have to deal with the threadpool thread in a Winforms app.