I'm trying to execute a Javascript function in IE11, but i get an InvalidCharacterError on appendChild.
function fixWidth(){
var elems=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(e=0; e<elems.length; e++){
var eCurStyle = elems[e].currentStyle;
var l_minWidth = (eCurStyle.minWidth) ? eCurStyle.minWidth : eCurStyle.getAttribute("min-width");
if(l_minWidth && l_minWidth != 'auto'){
var shim = document.createElement("DIV");
shim.style.cssText = 'margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; border:0 !important; line-height:0 !important; height:0 !important; BACKGROUND:RED;';
shim.style.width = l_minWidth;
shim.appendChild(document.createElement(" "));
window.onload = fixWidth;
It works correctly on IE8. But not on IE11.
This is a bug in IE8, not in IE11, as doing
document.createElement(" ")
shouldn't really work anywhere, as a non-breaking space is not an element.
Chrome gives the error
Uncaught InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'element': The tag name provided (
' '
) is not a valid name.
and I'd suspect almost any browser but IE8 would throw an error on that
If you want to add a non-breaking space to the element, you could do
shim.innerHTML = shim.innerHTML + " ";