Is there an easy way to apply a search filter like angular:
<input type="text" ng-model="resultFilter" placeholder="Search">
<li ng-repeat="result in results | filter:resultFilter">{{}}</li>
this filters the result by what ever is typed in the input box making an awsomely simple search feature. Is there a simple Emberjs equivalent or this one of those simple perks of anuglarjs?
You can use Ember.computed.filter
to dynamically filter your model.
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
searchKeyword: '',
searchResults: Ember.computed.filter('model', function(model) {
return model.filterProperty('name', this.get('searchKeyword'));
}).property('model', 'name')
with example template
{{input type="text" valueBinding="searchKeyword"}}
{{#each result in searchResults}}