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why does the default constructor in MyClass calls super i.e of Object class

I've been working with java and learning i've a question regarding default constructor in a class. Why does it call super (constructor of Object class.I know it does constructor chaining)?. For what reasons it is required ?. If I define a class like this


    public MyClass()


the compiler adds super in the constructor.

public MyClass()

P.S I've tried googling and have read Oracle Doc but couldnt find the answer .why? Thanks for your time.


  • Every constructor must call either a different constructor of the same class or a constructor of its direct super class. The call to the super class constructor is added implicitly if you don't call it explicitly.

    Since an instance of a class inherits the state of its ancestors, it must initialize it by calling the constructors of its ancestors.

    In your case, your MyClass is a direct sub-class of Object, so your constructor must call the constructor of Object.