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reuse Bootsrap Modal view in BackboneJS

I just started to learn BackboneJS and getting deeper inside I face a problem. I have a bootstrap modal where I would like populate the modal-content in function of a called event fired in my main view and try to figure out how to inject a subview in my Modal view which is dynamically generated. So far my code looks like but not working

Main view

//here events are mapped
    Fefe.Views = Fefe.Views || {};

    (function () {
        'use strict';

        Fefe.Views.Editor = Backbone.View.extend({

            template: JST['app/scripts/templates/editor.ejs'],

            tagName: 'div',

            el: '.container',

            id: '',

            className: '',

            events: {

                "click button.expand" : "controlToggle",
                "click .grid" : "grid"

            controlToggle: function(e){
                var controlls =  $(e.currentTarget).closest('.editor-controls')


            grid: function() {

                this.model = new Fefe.Models.Grids({
                    'title': 'Edit Grids'

                var gridView = new Fefe.Views.Grids({
                    model: this.model 

                var grids = new Fefe.Views.Modal({
                    model : this.model,
                    subview: gridView


            initialize: function () {
                var body = $('body')
                var rows = body.find('.row')

                $.each(rows, function(e , v){

                    $(this).addClass('editor-row empty-row')


            $('.sortable-rows').sortable({ handle: 'button.row-handle.btn.btn-default' })
                this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);

            render: function () {

                return this;



Modal view

//this one holds the modal markup

    Fefe.Views = Fefe.Views || {};

    (function () {
        'use strict';

        Fefe.Views.Modal = Backbone.Marionette.View.extend({

            template: JST['app/scripts/templates/modal.ejs'],

            subview: '',

            className: "modal",
            attributes: {
                tabindex: "-1",
                role: "dialog",

            initialize: function() {          

              this.template = this.template;


          events: {
              "click .save": "save",
              "click .close": "close",
              "change input": "modify",

        render: function(e) {


                  handle: ".modal-header"

            return this

        show: function() {


        close: function() {

        save: function() {
            if( == null) {
          else {

      edit: function(e) {
        var attribute = {};

        attribute[] = e.currentTarget.value;



Maybe the approach is wrong and I'm on the wrong track


  • You should checkout the way with custom regions, described by Brian Mann at

    So the idea is following:

    1) Define a region in your app with special class, lets call it DialogRegion

    regions: {
        dialogs: {
            selector: '#dialogs',
            regionClass: DialogRegion

    2) Extend DialogRegion like following. I used Bootstrap modal API, please expect

    var DialogRegion = Marionette.Region.extend({
        onShow: function(view) {
            // add handler to close popup via event
            view.on('before:destroy', function() {
            //destroy view on popup close
            view.$el.on('', function (e) {

    3) Later from any place of your app you can render Modal via rendering any view in dialogs App region: new SomeSuperView({
        model: model

    I recommend you to checkout tutorial at Backbonerails to clarify this way. Hope you will find it usefull