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How Do I Display Data From Two Different Collection's Documents in Spacebars #each Tag?

I have 2 Collections (one of which is a standard Collection and the other is a CFS Collection to store my uploaded images):

Products = new Mongo.Collection('products');


Uploads = new FS.Collection('uploads', {
  stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem('uploads', {path: '~/projectUploads'})]


Some documents inside the Products collection has a field or key/value pair of 'product_main_image' which stores the filename of the uploaded file that is stored in the Uploads CFS collection.

On my page I set a helper:


  products: function(){
    console.log('inside helperproduct');

    return Products.find();


and in the html I have:

{{#each products}}

But instead of the actual filename as displayed by {{product_main_image}} I would like to display the uploaded file as if I accessed it using this code:


This page is where I display all of the products using {{#each products}} and I would also like to display the image for each product that is stored in the Uploads CFS Collection.

Is this possible? and how may I achieve this? Thank you...


  • Is this possible? Yes

    how may I achieve this?

    You can use the context of this. on the Uploads.findOne()

    This is how the HTML should look.

    {{#each products}}
        {{#with image}}
          <img src="{{this.url}}" />

    And the image helper.


    Here is a quick MeteorPad showing how can you achieve this (im using 2 dummy collection but the idea is the same)