Search code examples

Java request - Sumo Logic

I am passing the following request to the sumo logic application and receiving "unparsable query" as the output. What is the problem in this query? Am I missing some escape strings?

String searchJobId = sumoClient.createSearchJob(
   "_sourceCategory=na2_*_incomingaudit | parse regex \"^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3} (?<host>[^ ]+) (?<tenant>[^ ]+) (?<identity>[^ ]+) (?<correlation_id>[^ ]+) (?<win32ThreadId>[^ ]+) (?<elapsedtime>[^ ]+) (?<context>[^ ]+) (?<message>[^ ]+) (?<exception>[^ ]+) (?<request>[^ ]+) (?<response>[^ ]+)\" | parse regex \"app=(?<app>[^ ]+)\" | parse regex \"appv=(?<appversion>[^ ]+\") | where app in (\"ios-mobile\",\"android-mobile\") | count by tenant | where tenant<> \"-\" | sort by _count" ,        Long.toString(startTimestamp),

Note: This is updated with the below suggestions and couldn't make it work.


  • Your closing quote is coming before the close of the capture group in the following parse statement of your query.

    parse regex \"appv=(?<appversion>[^ ]+\")

    Try to change to:

    parse regex \"appv=(?<appversion>[^ ]+)\"