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How does the compiler optimize getline() so effectively?

I know a lot of a compiler's optimizations can be rather esoteric, but my example is so straightforward I'd like to see if I can understand, if anyone has an idea what it could be doing.

I have a 500 mb text file. I declare and initialize an fstream:

std::fstream file(path,std::ios::in)

I need to read the file sequentially. It's tab delimited but the field lengths are not known and vary line to line. The actual parsing I need to do to each line added very little time to the total (which really surprised me since I was doing string::find on each line from getline. I thought that'd be slow).

In general I want to search each line for a string, and abort the loop when I find it. I also have it incrementing and spitting out the line numbers for my own curiosity, I confirmed this adds little time (5 seconds or so) and lets me see how it blows past short lines and slows down on long lines.

I have the text to be found as the unique string tagging the eof, so it needs to search every line. I'm doing this on my phone so I apologize for formatting issues but it's pretty straightforward. I have a function taking my fstream as a reference and the text to be found as a string and returning a std::size_t.

long long int lineNum = 0;
while (std::getline (file, line))
    pos = line.find(text);
    lineNum += 1;
    std::cout << std::to_string(lineNum) << std::endl;
    if (pos != -1) 
        return file.tellg():
     return std::string::npos;

Edit: lingxi pointed out the to_string isn't necessary here, thanks. As mentioned, entirely omitting the line number calculation and output saves a few seconds, which in my preoptimized example is a small percent of the total.

This successfully runs through every line, and returns the end position in 408 seconds. I had minimal improvement trying to put the file in a stringstream, or omitting everything in the whole loop (just getline until the end, no checks, searches, or displaying). Also pre-reserving a huge space for the string didn't help.

Seems like the getline is entirely the driver. However...if I compile with the /O2 flag (MSVC++) I get a comically faster 26 seconds. In addition, there is no apparent slow down on long lines vs short. Clearly the compiler is doing something very different. No complaints from me, but any thoughts as to how it's achieved? As an exercise I'd like to try and get my code to execute faster before compiler optimization.

I bet it has something to do with the way the getline manipulates the string. Would it be faster (alas can't test for a while) to just reserve the whole filesize for the string, and read character by character, incrementing my line number when I pass a /n? Also, would the compiler employ things like mmap?

UPDATE: I'll post code when I get home this evening. It looks like just turning off runtime checks dropped the execution from 400 seconds to 50! I tried performing the same functionality using raw c style arrays. I'm not super experienced, but it was easy enough to dump the data into a character array, and loop through it looking for newlines or the first letter of my target string.

Even in full debug mode it gets to the end and correctly finds the string in 54 seconds. 26 seconds with checks off, and 20 seconds optimized. So from my informal, ad-hoc experiments it looks like the string and stream functions are victimized by the runtime checks? Again, I'll double check when I get home.


  • The reason for this dramatic speedup is that the iostream class hierarchy is based on templates (std::ostream is actually a typedef of a template called std::basic_ostream), and a lot of its code is in headers. C++ iostreams take several function calls to process every byte in the stream. However, most of those functions are fairly trivial. By turning on optimization, most of these calls are inlined, exposing to the compiler the fact that std::getline essentially copies characters from one buffer to another until it finds a newline - normally this is "hidden" under several layers of function calls. This can be further optimized, reducing the overhead per byte by orders of magnitude.

    Buffering behavior actually doesn't change between the optimized and non-optimized version, otherwise the speedup would be even higher.