I'm trying to get a test example of flummox and react-router working together (disclaimer: learning, so apologies for the dumb question).
I've found some neat example here https://github.com/olegsmetanin/react_react-router_flummox_example but it uses the deprecated React.withContext
to boot up the app (from index.jsx):
{ flux },
() => React.render(<Handler />, document.getElementById(divid))
Flummox now has a <FluxComponent/>
that can be used to set the context but I can't seem to get it to work with a react-router
If i'm doing this:
router.run((Handler, state) => {
<FluxComponent flux={flux}>
<Handler {...state} />
My handler doesn't seem to receive flux in its context (and throws a warning in the console because it's missing).
Feels like I'm missing a vital piece of the puzzle here but can't find a concrete example of this (I can find old flummox/react/react-router example or new flummox/react but not using react-router).
Any suggestions?
Do not forget to define flux in contextTypes of your React component. You can catch context as a second argument in constructor.
export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor (props, context) {
this.AppStore = context.flux.getStore('appStore');
MyComponent.contextTypes = {
flux: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
Some links from my last example: