I am currently using LDAP JS for Authentication in Angular JS app and everything works perfectly fine.
I am now building a new view and the requirement I have is this:
in search()
method.My sample code is here:
function GetAllLDAPUser(dnFilter, res) {
client.search('uid=**WHAT-PATTERN-CAN-I-PASS-HERE**' + dnFilter, opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
// I usually read entry.object or entry.raw here , that works
result.on('end', function(result) {
So the question is what should I pass in place of
Results :
Suppose I type an
. The typeahead will show all user id starting with an
like ana
, anamon
, analisa
I have written the final solution and closed the issue on the project's repository
For pattern matching, we need to play with the 'filter' field in option object which we pass to the search method. So I ended up doing something like below:
var dnFilter = 'ou=People,o=Intra,dc=YOURCOMPANY,dc=com'; //depends on your LDAP settings.
var query;
var matchedUsers = [];
query.LDAPName = "dummy"; //some name which resides in LDAP
//You can even have one simple variable rather than having this query object.
opts = {
scope: 'sub',
filter: (shcDisplayName = '+ query.LDAPName + ')
//Do not use 'shcDisplayName' , this will be any variable stored in your LDAP object. You need get
//the structure of LDAP end point you are working on. For me, I had one variable 'shcDisplayName'
//on which I wanted to play so I am using this variable in my filter.
client.search(dnFilter, opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
'Name': entry.object.shcDisplayName,
'Id': entry.object.uid
result.on('end', function(result) {
if (matchedUsers.length) { //if any match was found.
//send the json result back
//if you want to send json back, do not use res.send() otherwise you will end up getting
//circular reference error.
result.on('error', function(ex) {
//Handle errors here if any