tl;dr : why is the code bellow so slow?
I try to optimize following piece of code for speed; it's purpose is to transform one array (size n=1000) to another (same size) while doing n^2 operations, details of the transformation are not important now.
Since I try to get as much speed as possible, I'm using Java primitives wherever I can; still, what I got is typically around 70ms per one 'transform' call. When re-written to Java, average call takes < 2ms.
1) wow, Java is fast
2) wow, Clojure is slow
3) can you explain to me, why this is so? Naively, I'd expect Clojure to produce a code bytecode, that should be pretty close to Java's, why is this not so?
4) I'm not 100% sure how to use those ^ints hints, maybe I got it wrong?
(defn transform [^ints src]
(let [res ^ints (make-array Integer/TYPE 1000)]
(loop [x (int 0)]
(if (= 1000 x) res
(aset res x (areduce src i ret (int 0)
(+ ret (* (mod x 2) (mod i 3) (aget src i)))))
(recur (inc x)))))))
(let [arr (into-array Integer/TYPE (range 1000))]
(doseq [_ (range 20)]
(println (time (transform arr)))
Something like this should be much closer:
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(defn inner ^long [^ints src ^long x]
(let [len (alength src)]
(loop [i 0 acc 0]
(if (< i len)
(recur (inc i) (+ acc (* (rem x 2) (rem i 3) (aget src i))))
(defn transform [^ints src]
(let [res ^ints (int-array 1000)]
(loop [x 0]
(if (= 1000 x)
(aset res x (inner src x))
(recur (inc x)))))))
(defn bench []
(let [arr (int-array (range 1000))]
(doseq [_ (range 20)]
(println (time (transform arr))))))
The top settings are useful to detect errors. The :warn-on-boxed one is new in Clojure 1.7 (currently in beta1, not quite out yet) but is particularly useful here.
Some important things I changed:
You could possibly combine the two loops into one and improve the performance some more.