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Ant Builder for SASS in Zend Studio (Eclipse) "Is A Directory" Error

The build script I am using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project basedir="." default="sass">
    <target name="sass">
        <apply dest="./sass" executable="sassy.bat">
            <srcfile />
            <targetfile />
            <mapper from="*.scss" to="*.css" type="glob"/>
            <fileset dir="./sass" includes="**/*.scss" />

And it works great, with the condition that I have this external sassy.bat script on my %%PATH%%.

sass %1 %2

It compiles sass/*.scss files and puts the *.css in the same directory. However, if I don't use my sassy.bat and rather just use sass.bat it produces:

ruby.exe: Is a directory -- C:/project/sass (LoadError)

But in theory it should be running the same thing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


  • I ended up solving this problem recently. The first step is to ensure that the builder is set to use a "Separate JRE" (Zend Studio's). The second step was to update my buildfile to the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project basedir="." default="sass">
        <target name="sass">
            <exec osfamily="windows" vmlauncher="false" executable="sass">
                <arg value="--update" />
                <arg value="scss/:css/" />
                <arg value="--style=compressed" />

    The key was to set the vmlauncher attribute to false on Windows.