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String Hex Encoding and Decoding

I am converting a String from UTF-8 to CP1047 and then performing hex encoding on it, which works great. Next what I am doing is converting back, using decoding the hex String and displaying it on console in UTF-8 format. Problem is I am not getting the proper String what I passed to encoding method. Below is the piece of code I coded:

public class HexEncodeDecode {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
            DecoderException {
        String reqMsg = "ISO0150000150800C220000080000000040000050000000215102190000000014041615141800001427690161 0B0    000123450041234";
        char[] hexed = getHex(reqMsg, "UTF-8", "Cp1047");



    public static char[] getHex(String source, String inputCharacterCoding,
            String outputCharacterCoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        return Hex.encodeHex(new String(source.getBytes(inputCharacterCoding),
                outputCharacterCoding).getBytes(), false);

    public static String getString(char[] source) throws DecoderException,
            UnsupportedEncodingException {
        return new String(Hex.decodeHex(source), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

Output I am getting is :


So, need help in printing the input String back.

Expected output would be:

ISO0150000150800C220000080000000040000050000000215102190000000014041615141800001427690161 0B0    000123450041234


  • new String(source.getBytes(inputCharacterCoding), outputCharacterCoding)

    This probably does not do what you think it does.

    First things first: a String has no encoding. Repeat after me: a String has no encoding.

    A String is simply a sequence of tokens which aim to represent characters. It just happens that for this purpose Java uses a sequence of chars. They could just as well be carrier pigeons.

    UTF8, CP1047 and others are just character codings; two operations can be performed:

    • encoding: turn a stream of carrier pigeons (chars) into a stream of bytes;
    • decoding: turn a stream of bytes into a stream of carrier pigeons (chars).

    Basically, your base assumption is wrong; you cannot associate an encoding with a String. Your real input should be a byte stream (more often than not a byte array) which you know is the result of a particular encoding (in your case, UTF-8), which you want to re-encode using another charset (in your case, CP1047).

    The "secret" behing a real answer here would be the code of your Hex.encodeHex() method but you don't show it, so this is as good an answer that I can muster.