My Quartz cron expression is this:
50 * 10-11 * * ?
From what I understand this means:
Run the job every 50 second of every minute within hours 10 to 11 (am) for every week/month and year.
The problem is that the job is running even after hour 11AM..
I tried
50 * 10-11 * * *
but this way I get the exception:
support for specifying both a day-of-week and a day-of-month parameter is not implemented
I found how it works. 10-11 actually means that the job will run for 2 hours and not for one. It will run till 11:59:59. The same thing is even for minutes; if I write:
50 0-10 10-11 * * ?
The job will run on second 50 for 11 times(0-10) for each hour (10 and 11).
Hope this will help someone like me :)