I have seen a number of topics on the subject. Most of them suggest that CLA sent to the card reader is wrong.
However, I am using codes described in German documentation for the card (Implementierungsleitfaden zur Einbindung der eGK in die Primärsysteme der Leistungserbringer v1.6.0 from 21.10.2013).
According to that doc (point I should sent:
00 A4 04 0C 07 D2 76 00 01 44 80 00
to select MF or
00 A4 04 0C 06 D2 76 00 00 01 02
to select HCA
in both cases I get 6E 00 error. Commans such as:
from the same doc, work just fine.
Any idea why do I get CLA not supported - could it be for example because there is not data on the card and if so how can I check it?
Thank you in advance
The reason was obvious but since it was my first time with card readers I did not see it for long time: I was sending ICC commands (like select file) to to CT (JavaCTAPI.CT) whereas I should be sending them to ICC1 (JavaCTAPI.ICC1).
In other words I was doing this:
ctData(..., JavaCTAPI.CT, ..., ..);
whereas I should have been doing this:
ctData(..., JavaCTAPI.ICC1, ..., ..);