I would like to delete some specific HTTP only cookies generated by the JavaFX webengine. Chrome browser allows us to delete httponly cookie which means this is programmatically possible.
I am able to delete all cookies using
java.net.CookieManager manager = new java.net.CookieManager();
Using this the user is logged out from my application as well. I want to be able to delete all cookies except the one generated for my application. Or is it possible to delete the same cookies using javascript.
Anyone looking for the solution. Here it is. Set this right at the start of the main method of javafx.
cookieManager = new CookieManager();
Then on any event(I did it onclick of a button) call this
CookieStore cookieJar = Main.cookieManager.getCookieStore();
List<HttpCookie> cookies = cookieJar.getCookies();
for (HttpCookie ck: cookies) {
System.out.println("CookieHandler retrieved cookie: " + ck);
I hope this helps someone cause I spent the entire day looking for the solution.