You can accomplish this using the sendmail configuration within your php.ini.
Create a file named smtp_catcher.php
and the set the sendmail_path
sendmail_path = "php C:\path\to\file\smtp_catcher.php"
Then in your smtp_catcher.php
add this block:
# create a filename for the emlx file
list($ms, $time) = explode(' ', microtime());
$filename = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.date('Y-m-d h.i.s,', $time).substr($ms,2,3).'.emlx';
# write the email contents to the file
$email_contents = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$fstat = fstat($email_contents);
file_put_contents($filename, $fstat['size']."\n");
file_put_contents($filename, $email_contents, FILE_APPEND);
# open up the emlx file (using Apple Mail)
exec('open '.escapeshellarg($filename));
Now I am not sure what extension you'll need to use to view the emails but this should catch all emails going out.
NOTE: make sure that php is in your window's environment PATH