I need to convert language names like 'Hungarian', 'English' to ISO 639 codes. ISO 639-6 would be the best but ISO 639-2 is good enough. What's the best way to achieve this?
I should convert the English to locale and get the language with getLanguage()? If thats the only way how can I convert a string like 'English' to a java locale?
My goal is to store book language info using the ISO 639 codes.
You can get a list of ISO 639-2 codes by passing a regular expression of language names to LanguageAlpha3Code.findByName(String) (in nv-i18n library).
The following example code is a command-line tool that converts given language names into corresponding ISO 639-2 codes.
import java.util.List;
import com.neovisionaries.i18n.LanguageAlpha3Code;
public class To639_2
public static void main(String[] args)
// For each language name given on the command line.
for (String languageName : args)
// Get a list of ISO 639-2 codes (alpha-3 codes)
// whose language name matches the given pattern.
List<LanguageAlpha3Code> list
= LanguageAlpha3Code.findByName(languageName);
// Print the language and the ISO 639-2 code.
System.out.format("%s => %s\n", languageName,
(list.size() != 0) ? list.get(0) : "");
A sample execution:
$ java -cp nv-i18n-1.14.jar:. To639_2 Hungarian English Hungarian => hun English => eng