I am trying to read a file's contents and use it in my ruby code. In this step, I am not trying to do anything on the bootstrapped node. All I want to do is read a JSON file that will reside in cookbook's files folder and read the contents of the file and do something. I just want to use the value coming from JSON in my code itself. The code example is shown below. Any help is appreciated.
Attributes: default.rb
{"hostname"=> "intf301.linux.xyz.com","name" => "INTFIN_OHS_001", "short_name" => "OGS", "port" => "9931"},
{"hostname"=> "intf302.linux.xyz.com","name" => "INTFIN_OHS_001", "short_name" => "OHS", "port" => "9931"}
Machines: machines.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
json = File.read('environment.json')
obj = JSON.parse(json)
number = obj["name"]
x = node["xyz"]["ohs_servers"][number]["hostname"]
JSON file in cookbook's files folder: environment.json
"template_name": "environment_template",
"number": 0
use cookbook_file
and then add run_action(:create)
cookbook_file "myfile.txt" do
path "somepathyouwantthefilebe/myfile.txt"
source "myfile.txt" #the name of the file in files folder of your cookbook"
end.run_action(:create) # read notes** bellow
then you can have some ruby code to read from it for example
** the run action is nessecary since you are combining ruby code and resources in chef-zero